On Sep 13th 2022, associated PhD candidates from EPFL and PoliTO met online and in Lausanne for a half-day workshop as the continuation for the Turin workshop in July, with the participation of professors from China Room research center of PoliTo.
After the first round of workshops in person in July in Turin, this second one was the occasion to further communicate both within the group about the advancement of the research, and between different research centers to pursue further collaboration and output for the two universities, for a better understanding of the topics and research activities connected to this project.
Giulia Montanaro from PoliTo side, Helena Roux and De Almeida Santos Anna Karla from EPFL side gave brief presentations on their different research topics under the broader EPFL research framework, followed by comments and questions from Professor Michele Bonino and Professor Filippo De Pieri from PoliTo and team EPFL.